Eclair Express Wikia
You're taking a walk outside when something catches your eye...what did you find?

A little bot game- once a day, you can 'forage' for items in certain areas. These items do not have images, but they are usable items, meaning you can use/gift them. You are allowed to trade your finds with other users. You can even find material stone and lumber!

Quest forage

There are quests that require you to collect a certain number of these items. During certain events, there may be special items you can find. If you’d like to suggest items to add to the forage locations (or new locations with item suggestions, please post in the FAQ channel!

How to Forage[]

This game is powered by a third party discord bot- RPGBot. Therefore, it is only available if you are a member of the discord server. Currently, there are no plans to make this available to non-discord members.

Daily searches are not given automatically. You must collect them. You are given one forage search a day and it does NOT stack, so you must be diligent in collecting your searches every 24 hours! Please keep all bot related commands in the foraging channel. You may purchase additional searches in the shop.

To claim rewards for quests (or use material stone/lumber for house related purchases), tag @arcanium in discord for it to be processed (for the time being).

You can trade any 7 items (duplicates ok) for any 1 item of your choice (if you’ve done 7 days worth of pulls to no avail). Just tag @arcanium with what items you’d like to exchange and what item you want.

Bot Commands[]

TIP: everything is case sensitive and must be written exactly - you must not have anything else in your message!
  • rp!salary collect - Collect your forage searches! You can only do this once every 24 hours. If you failed to collect due to the time restriction, it will let you know when you are able to.
  • rp!lootbox, rp!lb - View the items available at every location. Use the X reaction to close the list when you're done.
  • rp!lootbox buy [location], rp!lb buy [location] - Forage at the specified location.
    • Example: rp!lb buy lootbox flan forest
  • rp!economy, rp!e - See how many searches you have available.
  • rp!inventory, rp!i - See the items that you've found and haven't used.
  • rp!give [desired username] [item]x[quantity] - Give another user your item. Don't forget the quotation marks!
    • This is for item trading. To claim quest rewards, the admin will delete the item from your inventory using a different command.

Current Locations[]

There are 3 locations you can forage in at the moment: Flan Forest, Biscotti Beach, and Wooly Island.

  • rp!lootbox buy flan forest
  • rp!lootbox buy biscotti beach
  • rp!lootbox buy wooly island

There are also mini-eclairs forage locations, in chocolair and coffeelair. Note that these two cost 2 searches instead of 1.

View the information here.

Items Available[]

Location Item
Biscotti Beach Pebble
Biscotti Beach Mussel
Biscotti Beach Coral
Biscotti Beach Seaweed
Biscotti Beach Seashell
Biscotti Beach Pearl
Biscotti Beach Clam
Biscotti Beach Oyster
Biscotti Beach Sea Urchin
Biscotti Beach Venus Comb
Biscotti Beach Triton's Trumpet
Biscotti Beach Beach Vitex
Biscotti Beach Message in a Bottle
Biscotti Beach Pontata Root
Biscotti Beach Indigo Herb
Biscotti Beach Purple Herb
Biscotti Beach Clay
Biscotti Beach Limestone
Biscotti Beach Moonstone
Biscotti Beach Piece of Amethyst
Biscotti Beach Piece of Aquamarine
Biscotti Beach Piece of Topaz
Biscotti Beach Piece of Sapphire
Biscotti Beach Piece of Ruby
Biscotti Beach Piece of Emerald
Biscotti Beach Junk Ore
Biscotti Beach Copper Ore
Biscotti Beach Silver Ore
Biscotti Beach Gold Ore
Biscotti Beach Material Stone
Flan Forest Weed
Flan Forest Chestnut
Flan Forest Walnut
Flan Forest Bird Feather
Flan Forest Wild Blueberry
Flan Forest Wild Raspberry
Flan Forest Wild Grapes
Flan Forest Apple
Flan Forest Wild Mushroom
Flan Forest Poisonous Mushroom
Flan Forest Truffle
Flan Forest Honeycomb
Flan Forest Mint
Flan Forest Lavender
Flan Forest Chamomile
Flan Forest Rosemary
Flan Forest Thyme
Flan Forest Basil
Flan Forest Sage
Flan Forest Bay Leaf
Flan Forest Flowering Fern
Flan Forest Moondrop Flower
Flan Forest Blue Mist Flower
Flan Forest Yellow Herb
Flan Forest Red Herb
Flan Forest Orange Herb
Flan Forest Green Herb
Flan Forest Blue Herb
Flan Forest Ginger Root
Flan Forest Lumber
Wooly Island Acorn
Wooly Island Crabapple
Wooly Island Wooly Furball
Wooly Island Yellow Wooly Furball
Wooly Island Red Wooly Furball
Wooly Island Blue Wooly Furball
Wooly Island Green Wooly Furball
Wooly Island Shiny Wooly Furball
Wooly Island Menacing Wooly Furball
Wooly Island Old Leather
Wooly Island Insect Carapace
Wooly Island Mysterious Skull
Wooly Island Plant Vine
Wooly Island Shroom Spore
Wooly Island Poison Powder
Wooly Island Ball of Slime
Wooly Island Small Crystal Shard
Wooly Island Rune Crystal Shards
Wooly Island Sharp Tooth
Wooly Island Worn Cloth
Wooly Island Tough Twine
Wooly Island Dragon Scale
Wooly Island Spring Onion
Wooly Island Chipsqueak Fluff
Wooly Island Pointy Stick
Wooly Island Piece of Bone
Wooly Island Pine Sap Glue
Wooly Island Maple Syrup Sap
Wooly Island Wild Garlic
Wooly Island Dandelion

Item Exchange[]

Material stone and lumber may be used for housing and upgrades, simply note how many you'd like to use from your foraging inventory when buying in the usual shop.

There are certain event items that can be exchanged for forage items. To exchange, please @arcanium in discord to have it added to your forage inventory.

Event Item Forage Item
Fluff of a Wooly Wooly Furball (20)
Dark Fluff of a Wooly Menacing Wooly Furball (20)
Golden Fluff of a Wooly Shiny Wooly Furball (20)

Message in a Bottle[]

The message in a bottle (found in the Biscotti Beach location) is a special item that you can exchange for a unique, one of a kind note. For more details, see Bottled Messages.

Creating Forage Quests[]

All group members in the discord can create forage quests. Item images for forage quest rewards are optional, but they are recommended.

The following information should be posted to the bulletin-board channel in discord:

  • Quest name
  • Quest blurb (basically, IC dialogue of the requester asking for the items - see below for examples!)
  • Items to be collected
  • Reward(s)
    • You are allowed to offer multiple rewards in one quest.

If you are feeling up to the task, please also update this wikia page with the forage quest (for logging purposes). If not, the admin will add it ..later.

Quests Available[]

To claim a quest reward, @arcanium in discord.

Finally, An Upgrade[]

Forage Location: Biscotti Beach (you will need the stone hammer/axe from the market to do this quest)

It must be quite trying having to keep using those decrepit tools. If you'd like, I can upgrade it for you. Just bring me the materials and then we'll talk.
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Copper axe

Copper Axe

Copper Ore (10), Stone Axe
Copper hammer

Copper Hammer

Copper Ore (10), Stone Hammer
Silver axe

Silver Axe

Silver Ore (10), Copper Axe
Silver hammer

Silver Hammer

Silver Ore (10), Copper Hammer
Gold axe

Gold Axe

Gold Ore (10), Silver Axe
Gold hammer

Gold Hammer

Gold Ore (10), Silver Hammer

Herbalist's Little Helper[]

Forage Location: Flan Forest, Biscotti Beach

I'm helping someone out, but I'm having trouble distinguishing these so-called 'herbs' from weeds. Can you help me gather some of these? I'll give you a sweet product in return!
Reward Items Needed to Claim
(pick one)
Herbal tonic

Herbal Tonic

Herbal vitamin brew

Herbal Vitamin Brew

Herbal animal vitamin

Herbal Animal Vitamin

7 of the following, any combination, duplicates ok:
Wild Mushroom, Truffle, Ginger Root, Pontata Root, Mint, Lavender, Chamomile, Rosemary, Thyme, Basil, Sage, Bay Leaf

The Forgotten Beach Episode[]

Forage Location: Biscotti Beach

I've been to the beach down south just once as it is quite far, but I quite liked the feeling of the sea breeze. I've also heard there is an activity called 'collecting seashells'. It seems I missed out on this. What sorts of wonders can one find along the shore? Could you show me a few?
Reward Items Needed to Claim
(pick one)
Sea breeze sweater

Sea Breeze Sweater

Sea breeze sweatshirt

Sea Breeze Sweatshirt

Sea breeze cardigan

Sea Breeze Cardigan

7 of the following, any combination, no duplicates:
Seaweed, Seashell, Clam, Oyster, Mussel, Coral, Sea Urchin, Venus Comb, Triton's Trumpet, Beach Vitex, Message in a Bottle

You Dessert It[]

Forage Location: Flan Forest

I really miss the bakery where I used to live, so I've been trying to get back into making more desserts. I'm especially interested in working with flowers! They're a bit hard to find now since they're out of season, but I think you can still find some growing in the cave where the Goddess Garden is. If you could help me find some, I'll let you try out a sample of what's to come!
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Royal fern eclair

Royal Fern Eclair

Flowering Fern

6 of the following, any combination, no duplicates:
Chestnut, Walnut, Wild Blueberry, Wild Raspberry, Wild Grapes, Apple, Honeycomb

Blooming moondrop chocolate

Blooming Moondrop Chocolate

Moondrop Flower

6 of the following, any combination, no duplicates:
Chestnut, Walnut, Wild Blueberry, Wild Raspberry, Wild Grapes, Apple, Honeycomb

Blue mist cream gelatin

Blue Mist Cream Gelatin

Blue Mist Flower

6 of the following, any combination, no duplicates:
Chestnut, Walnut, Wild Blueberry, Wild Raspberry, Wild Grapes, Apple, Honeycomb

All That Glitters[]

Forage Location: Biscotti Beach

Hmmm, so here is where I make my request? Well, it's quite simple. I'm looking for gemstones, for a project of sorts. Now, I'm not particularly good at spotting shiny things in dank, dark places... For your valiant efforts, I can craft a ring for you. Just be sure to bring the ore along.
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Elegant silver ring

Elegant Silver Ring

Silver Ore

6 of one of the following, must be the same item:
Pearl, Moonstone, Piece of Amethyst, Piece of Aquamarine, Piece of Topaz, Piece of Sapphire, Piece of Ruby, Piece of Emerald

Elegant gold ring

Elegant Gold Ring

Gold Ore

6 of one of the following, must be the same item:
Pearl, Moonstone, Piece of Amethyst, Piece of Aquamarine, Piece of Topaz, Piece of Sapphire, Piece of Ruby, Piece of Emerald

A Nostalgic Recipe[]

Forage Location: Flan Forest, Biscotti Beach

A while ago I was experimenting and came up with this recipe I've nicknamed rainbow curry. I've been trying to perfect it... just because. However, I've run out of ingredients. If you could bring me the herbs I need, I'll gladly make you a plate too!
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Rainbow curry

Rainbow Curry

Red Herb, Orange Herb, Yellow Herb, Green Herb, Blue Herb, Indigo Herb, Purple Herb

Mood Swings[]

Forage Location: Biscotti Beach

I need crystals for my tarot readings but, as you can see, someone like me isn't suited to go out there and get dirty and muddy... And here is where you, my sweetheart, will come in handy. Fret not! I will make sure to give you something very special. Have you ever wondered what is it that you're feeling, but you couldn't tell? I can craft you a magical ring that will do the job, darling.
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Mood ring

Mood Ring

Moonstone, Piece of Amethyst, Piece of Aquamarine, Piece of Topaz, Piece of Sapphire, Piece of Ruby, Piece of Emerald, Silver Ore

The Magic Number[]

Forage Location: Biscotti Beach

Oh, dearest Goddess, why is it so hard to find resources in this town? I need certain minerals to arrange in my fortune telling tent... Ah! But you can help me, right? Of course you will, my favourite helper... This should be easy for you. As a reward for your upstanding hard work, I'm going to give you the key to all the secrets in this world. A magical tool with the answers to all your questions...
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Magic 8 ball

Magic 8 Ball

Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Copper Ore, Moonstone, Pearl, Mussel, Message in a Bottle

The Sound of Summer[]

Forage Location: Flan Forest, Biscotti Beach

I'm in urgent need of some quality limestones and clay - not mud, there's a difference! Please collect me some from the beach if you will. Also, if you happen to pick up some other things along the way that would be swell. You will be rewarded accordingly for your efforts~
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Goldfish wind chime

Goldfish Wind Chime

Clay (5), Limestone (5)

3 of one of the following, must be the same item:
Beach Vitex, Moondrop Flower, Blue Mist Flower, Lavender, Chamomile

You Wool Love This[]

Forage Location: Wooly Island

Have you ever seen a wooly? These creatures are docile, and possess the softest wool. It's said that there is a place connected to Toffee Town named Wooly Island where many different Wooly live, including rare breeds. I'd like to acquire some of that wool, but I am unable to go there myself. Would you be able to go collect some of their furballs for me? I have heard the wild ones shed extensively so you should be able to get some without actually slaughtering any (and I'm told you should not, as we have some kind of peace agreement with them). In exchange, I'll make you a nice, unique souvenir for your troubles with a portion of the wool. Also... if you find any other kind of materials there, please bring them back as well.
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Hand knitted scarf

Hand Knitted Scarf

Wooly Furball (3)
Wooly plush

Wooly Plush

Pointy Stick, Plant Vine, Wooly Furball (2)
Chipsqueak plush

Chipsqueak Plush

Pointy Stick, Plant Vine, Chipsqueak Fluff (2)
Wooly fluffy scarf

Wooly Fluffy Scarf

Wooly Furball (6)
Plumey fluffy scarf

Plumey Fluffy Scarf

Wooly Furball (5), Yellow Wooly Furball
Spikey fluffy scarf

Spikey Fluffy Scarf

Wooly Furball (5), Green Wooly Furball
Curly fluffy scarf

Curly Fluffy Scarf

Wooly Furball (5), Blue Wooly Furball
Fiery fluffy scarf

Fiery Fluffy Scarf

Wooly Furball (5), Red Wooly Furball
(pick one)
Wooly afro wig

Wooly Afro Wig

Wooly fursuit

Wooly Fursuit

Wooly headmask

Wooly Headmask

Wooly Furball (3)

4 of the following, any combination, duplicates ok:
Old Leather, Worn Cloth, Tough Twine

(pick one)
Cursed fluffy scarf

Cursed Fluffy Scarf

Cursed king wooly plush

Cursed King Wooly Plush

Menacing Wooly Furball (20)

(pick one)
Golden fluffy scarf

Golden Fluffy Scarf

Golden king wooly plush

Golden King Wooly Plush

Shiny Wooly Furball (20)

Frozen in Time[]

Forage Location: Wooly Island

Did you know that amber isn’t like the gems you find in the mine, but is actually fossilised plant resin? Sometimes there are even insects trapped in them, making them both fascinating fossils and beautiful decorations. With a little bit of magic, let’s speed up time and see this wonderful transformation happen! If you bring me the materials, I’ll even give you a little souvenir for the work~
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Fossilised insect amber bracelet

Fossilised Insect Amber Bracelet

Insect Carapace, Pine Sap Glue (4)

4 of the following, any combination, duplicates ok:
Plant Vine, Tough Twine, Old Leather

Miniature Menace[]

Forage Location: Flan Forest, Biscotti Beach, Wooly Island

Dragons are the best mythological creatures, don’t you think? I heard some people here have even seen one in a desert city! Great that they made it out alive hehh? Ahaha that aside, if you want something just as cool, but at a more friendly scale, collect some materials for me and I’ll make one just for you. It’s a pleasure to help out a fellow dragon enthusiast!
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Mini dragon model

Mini Dragon Model

Mysterious Skull, Old Leather (2), Sharp Tooth (2), Dragon Scale (2), Piece of Bone (2)

4 of one of the following, must be the same item:
Red Herb, Orange Herb, Yellow Herb, Green Herb, Blue Herb, Indigo Herb, Purple Herb

Sweet Special Order[]

Forage Location: Flan Forest, Wooly Island

Feel like your breakfast is a little dull? Need a sugar boost but want something more than just plain sugar? We’ve got just the thing for you! Made from the natural ingredients that you will source, a 100% organic and delicious treat that goes well with any meal!
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Fruity maple syrup

Fruity Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup Sap (3)

4 of the following, any combination, duplicates ok:
Wild Blueberry, Wild Raspberry, Wild Grapes, Apple

A Splash of Colour[]

Forage Location: Wooly Island

Life is pretty boring without some colour, I’ll make you a statement piece if you help me gather the materials!
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Rainbow wooly beanie

Rainbow Wooly Beanie

7 of the following, minimum 1 of each, duplicates ok:
Wooly Furball, Red Wooly Furball, Yellow Wooly Furball, Blue Wooly Furball, Green Wooly Furball

Good Night, Sleep Tight[]

Forage Location: Flan Forest, Biscotti Beach, Wooly Island

Look at your dark circles! And eye bags! Have you not been getting enough sleep lately? Hmm, you know, I think I’ve got just the thing for you. But you’ve got to collect the ingredients yourself- I’m already doing you a service after all. Don’t worry, I promise you’ll still wake up after drinking this...eventually...
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Potent sleeping drought

Potent Sleeping Drought

Poison Powder (2), Poisonous Mushroom (2)

5 of the following, any combination, duplicates ok:
Shroom Spore, Wild Garlic, Pontata Root, Ginger Root, Wild Mushroom


Forage Location: Flan Forest, Biscotti Beach

Been feeling a bit under the weather, you say? The details are unnecessary - I've got something that'll cure anything you've got. If you bring me these ingredients, I can take it from there.
Reward Items Needed to Claim
Dubious remedy

Dubious Remedy

Ginger Root (2), Pontata Root (2), Weed (2), Wild Mushroom, Sage, Herb (any colour)